
A Starter House

Young couples looking for a home to buy often have spent a few years saving. They want to get the most house they can afford, but they also know that mortgage payments can be a struggle if they are too large. A starter house is often their best option. It can give them the space they need now, but it may also be on a large enough lot for them to expand when they have children. It should fit their ideal of what a house that will carry them into the future should embody.

Many houses advertised as starter homes are fairly small, and they generally have one or two bedrooms and only a single bathroom. There could be a fairly large lot associated with the house, or the couple could be considering moving in the future. Either plan should allow them to purchase a property they can afford now without strain.

Many starter homes are older, and they may have housed several young families before they go on the market once more. Any of them might need a bit of upgrading, or they could need complete remodels. Couples handy with tools could find the lower cost and their own sweat equity will make a particular home worth the investment. Reselling it in the future could help them get the larger home they may need once their children are born.

Not all those looking for a starter home are interested in selling it down the road. Older couples might find a smaller house suitable once their children are grown and gone. They could prefer to invest in a starter home that has been recently remodelled so the work is done. They could spend years enjoying the upgrades while they invest in the next chapter of their lives doing what they want without the need for remodelling.